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Total Supply: 1 billion $STFX (fixed supply, no further issuance)
TGE Circulating Supply: 2.85% (28.5 million STFX)
Core Goal: Achieve a multi-party value balance between strategy developers, users, market makers, and DAO governance through the token mechanism, creating a sustainable "strategy economy" flywheel.
Strategy Leasing Fuel
Users pay STFX to lease strategy usage rights (supports hourly/daily/weekly billing).
Developer earnings are automatically settled in STFX (can be exchanged for stablecoins).
Governance Credential
Stake STFX to participate in DAO voting (e.g., strategy listing review, fee adjustments).
Governance weight adopts a quadratic voting model to prevent whale manipulation.
Ecosystem Incentive Vehicle
Developer Incentives: 20% of strategy earnings are additionally rewarded in STFX.
User Mining: For every $10,000 in leased strategy funds, users are rewarded with 1 STFX per day.
Liquidity Mining: Provide DEX liquidity to earn 0.05% of trading fee dividends.
Value Capture Tools
50% of the platform's fees (15% of strategy leasing fees) are used for STFX buybacks and burns.
A 1.5% STFX royalty is charged on Strategy NFT transactions.
Strategy Black Hole Burn
15% of each strategy leasing fee is directly burned.
When developers withdraw earnings and choose to convert to stablecoins, a 5% STFX burn tax applies.
NFT Burn & Upgrade
Strategy NFT holders can burn 3 NFTs of the same level + 1000 STFX to upgrade their rarity.
Regulatory Compliance Tax
A 0.3% transaction tax is applied to cross-jurisdictional transfers (70% of which is burned).
Model Value Loop: Developers create strategies → Users consume STFX to lease → Platform burns a portion of the tokens → Increased scarcity incentivizes more developers. ↓ Stake STFX to obtain governance rights → Optimize platform rules → Attract more users → Increase STFX demand.
This model, through refined token utility design and strict release controls, ensures the benefits of early investors while constructing a value network for long-term ecological development. Ultimately, it aims for STFX to become the foundational currency of the Web3 quantitative economy.